Guest Article: Flagship 2023 Recap

July 22nd, 2023 will forever be a monumental day in the Reno, NV car scene. The NEU Flagship car show was a turning point in the eyes of all car enthusiasts in the area and I am honored to be able to share the story with you… the reader, the fellow enthusiast. Deemed a “Crafted Experience”, by the creators Brian and Wade, they set out to build something great to put this city and the vehicles in it, onto the scope of gear heads around the world.

First thing is first, the location: The Historic Reno Automobile Museum. Known for its rich heritage in the heart of Downtown Reno, NV and the beautiful architecture they have created to house the cars inside. Set and setting could NOT have been any better than that day. From the courtyard to the back patio area, the indoor stage, and even the front parking lot giving some of the most photographic ambiance an artist could’ve asked for. It truly was a Crafted Experience.

When it comes to cars, everyone will always have their own taste. In the NEU show, it was impossible to find something to dislike. From rare German cars, to 90’s JDM, American Classics, full blown race cars, and the array of “low and slow” builds, there was something for everyone to drool over. Hand chosen and carefully selected by the masterminds that created this event, they did an incredible job at including something for everyone’s style. This was no easy thing for them I’m sure… But the pickiness and attention to detail is what made this show magnitudes above others I’ve been to. With that being said, the crowd of people enjoying their time was a sight to see. Good vibes, zero drama, smiles and laughter filling the location is the best thing anyone can ask for when putting on a show like this. They executed… and received all the love from the visitors. I’ll be honest, its hard to frown surrounded by a bunch of good people, excellent cars, vendors, and food trucks. They absolutely nailed it.

This show was the essence of what a car show should be. A success in every aspect and any way you look at it. If you missed out, you REALLY missed out. In fact, I’m not purposely overhyping it in any way. This was just one of those days that everything came together and just clicked in the best way possible. Even the photography! It is easy to capture beautiful photos and videos when everything has already been carefully chosen and constructed… The sunset, top tier cars, the smiles… I hope to see you at the next one and thank you for giving me the chance to show off some of the best automotive photography I could capture on a beautiful day like this. Many blessings to the NEU family.